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Life Style: Making Love On The Wheels | Indian Couples Pleasure in Parked Cars

Life Style: Making Love On The Wheels

Here is a new trend that is making Indian couples go mad after, which is limited to movies and western world all these days. Making love on the wheels is what new couples and eligible partners are talking and doing.

Urban youths of India prefer for quick love making session in their cars even if it is with their wives, finds a study. Parking the cars in the dark nooks of office cellars or at isolated places during long drives and quickly getting the steam out of the body became an adventurous task for Indian men and women. More than half of newly married couples that took part in survey revealed that they got more pleasure after having a session on four wheeler. What was once limited to a four walled room is now shifting and youths are exploring different places to long their love-life, the study concluded.

But there is a problem of getting caught by someone in an awkward moment by doing that in public. Intruders who record those scenes as video are also on a rage and couples should be careful before pulling the parking brake of their car.

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