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Terrorist Kasab Finally Hanges Today!

Terrorist Kasab Finally Hanges Today!

Terrorist Kasab who was involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks in India was finally hanged! today at 'Yerwada Central Jail' of Pune.

On 3 May 2010, an Indian court convicted him of murder, waging war on India, possessing explosives, and other charges. On 6 May 2010, the same trial court sentenced him to death on four counts and to a life sentence on five other counts.

Kasab was sentenced to death for attacking Mumbai and killing 166 people on 26 November 2008 along with nine terrorists. He was found guilty of 80 offences, including waging war against the nation, which is punishable by the death penalty.

Kasab's death sentence was upheld by the Bombay High Court on 21 February 2011. The verdict was upheld by the Supreme Court of India on 29 August 2012, and he was hanged on 21 November 2012 at 7:30 A.M.

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