Ganesh babu is targeting the key areas in Andhra Pradesh to attract the fans and audience from Tirupathi, and Vizag also being a key area where a lot of revenue will be generated for movies with multiplex’s opening up in the area. And as for Hyderabad he has planned a very huge audio release for the evening of April 15th in a grand way.
Devi shree prasad is very confidant about the music of the movie becoming an instant hit and break all records for the movie, with all this hype and publicity surrounding the movie time will tell us what the fate of the movie is going to be.
The movie is set to hit the theatres in May and is being rumoured to be the biggest hit for Pawan Kalyan in his entire career even surpassing Kushi with which he shot to fame. So lets hope it brightens Pawan Kalyans future who has been taken aback by a string of Flops in the recent past.