11,600 screens, fifty days in 312 theatres, Rs 101 crore in 47 days. Mahesh’s Dookudu is on a ’50 Days’ celebration and the crew believes the numbers speaks for itself. Superstar Mahesh Babu- Samantha Ruth Prabhu-starrer blockbuster hit ‘Dookudu’ that released on September 23, 2011, on the eve of Dasara has completed fifty days of its theatrical run on special day 11-11-11. The celebrations were held in Siddartha College grounds of Vijayawada in an extravagant way. According to reports, the movie was released in 1600 screens and completed its fifty days in 312 screens. As per the producers, the movie has raked in Rs 101 crore in just 47 days. The venue ground was chock-a-block as Mahesh’s and Krishna’s fanfare thronged. Galaxy of stars, cine pundits, bigwigs of tinsel town graced the occasion. Superstar Krishna and wife Vijaya Nirmala, directors K Raghavendra Rao, Sukumar, producers Aswini Dutt, Suresh Babu and other dignitaries such as Adi Seshagiri Rao, Murali Mohan, Ram Achanta, Gopi Achanta, Anil Sunkara, Aditya Menon, Turlapati Kutumba Rao apart from the films cast and crew which included Kota Sreenivas Rao, Dharmavarapu Subramanyam, MS Narayana, lyricist Bhaskara Bhatla and Music composer S S Thaman were among the present list. Thaman and his troupe’s live concert was a special attraction as it bought the venue fan-frenzy. Speaking on the occasion, Mahesh said: “Dookudu was released 50 days ago. After watching the movie on first day, dad has called me and said that the movie would be a big hit and would rake Rs 80 crore. It had happened fifty days ago, but it seems that it has happened just five minutes ago. I can’t forget that day. It was a memorable day in my life.” “I had learnt a lot during filming from the senior actors of the film. Guhan’s photography is good. I love to celebrate a fest in Vijayawada. I’m fortunate that my dad’s fans turned into my fans,” the heartthrob, who is ready to enthrall once again with ‘The Business Man’ come early next year added.
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