The film ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’ has been receiving critical accolades all over and if reports are to be believed it is going sweep all the major Nandi awards. As per sources, SRR will walk away with atleast 8 Nandi Awards – Balakrishna(Best Actor), Nayantara(Best Actress), ANR(Best Supporting Actor), Bapu(Best Director), Ilayaraja(Best Music Director), Best Visual Effects, Best Art Director, Best Feature Film Award.Although Balakrishna is no match to Legend NTR when their physical presence is taken into consideration, he devilered one of his finest performances in the film to own the tag ‘A True Successor To NTR’!!!
What was the first reaction of film lovers when Nayantara was roped into the project to reprise the role of Goddess Sita? and What’s the reaction of the viewers after watching Nayantara in the film? This itself shows how much amount of effort she has put in during the making and how good an actress she is! Critics say Nayantara lost the opportunity to bag National Award for Best Actress, just because she didn’t dub her voice in the film(Actors who failed to dub their voice in a nominated film will not be considered for the National Awards since dialogue delivery is considered to be one of the most important aspects of ‘acting’). However, if ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’ is the last film of Nayan, then what can she ask for more after getting a chance to bid adieu with a classic.
Akkineni Nageswara Rao – An 86 year old man with passion for good cinema and great roles. Is there anything else that we need to expect from him after serving ‘Telugu Cinema Kalama Talli’ for decades? Telugu people will remember ANR as long as Telugu cinema exists. Long live the Legend!!!
Sri Rama Rajyam is a best example to show Bapu’s brilliance in dealing with a story which we are already familiar with! Irrespective of the commercial success, this film has got a place in the hearts of Telugus and will remain a true classic.
These are the days where a film’s success is calculated with Punch Dialogues, Item Songs, Breathtaking Action Sequences and Bramhi’s comedy. Who would it be other than Yalamanchali Sai Babu to produce a devotional film like Sri Rama Rajyam on a lavish scale? Take a bow Sai Babu!
When was the last time we witnessed standing ovation for a Telugu film? I’m sure it takes a lot of time to recollect? You will experience this in most of the theaters where ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’ is being screened. Kudos to the team of ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’!!!