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Ram Gopal Varma's Secret Meetings With Mumbai Police | Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) Movie On 26/11 Terror Attacks

Ram Gopal Varma's Secret Meetings With Mumbai Police

Ram Gopal Varma and his obsession towards the mafia and the police department needs no introduction. In his career, he has come up with many movies related to this genre. But now, it is heard from Mumbai that Ramu is having a series of secret meetings with few officials of the Mumbai police.

Well, all this is for his new movie '26/11' which is based on the horrifying terror attacks that shook India. Reports say the shooting of the film is happening briskly but silently. Meanwhile, Ramu is reprotedly having clandestine meetings with the officials. He is studying the whole scenario with lot of interest.

A member from the unit reveals that Ramu is ensuring that the film won't miss out any important detail which took place during those few days of mayhem created by Ajmal Kasab and his team. It now remains to be seen how intense and convincing would Ramu's depiction of this film will be.

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