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Life Style: Special Pens Only For Women | Exclusive Pens Only for Women

Life Style: Special Pens Only For Women:

Crazy is this world that keeps on inventing stuff basing on usage and sometimes exclusively gender based. Here comes a latest writing pen, which is exclusively designed for women and is currently rated sexist.

Off course, this pen might have shocked you that what is so special it is designed only for women. French pen maker Bic says this pen is thinner for a better handling for women. This seems just like a marketing strategy, as almost all pens will be thinner only. Reportedly sales of this pen 'Bic Cristal for her' on Amazon.com have sky rocketed though it has nothing new to offer except a diamond-engraved barrel and a high cost. These lady pens from Bic are available only in Europe for now and guess who purchased the pen most? It is men who are buying this.

Critics and male reviewers are lashing at this pen saying that though a woman uses this pen, still she needs a man to correct those math equations as the pen cannot do them on its own.

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