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Reason Behind Movie Directors For Ad Films | Trivikram To Direct Mahesh Babu's New Ad

Reason Behind Movie Directors For Ad Films:

Creative people say that directing a movie is pretty easier than handling an ad film. Because in movies we got 2 hours to tell our point, but in ad only 30 seconds should do the job.

Off late, more and more movie directors are getting involved into ad-direction say it Rajamouli, Krishna Vamsi and Puri. Now, Trivikram joined them once again by directing Mahesh Babu for Mahindra Ad after his stint with ThumsUp ads earlier. An ad-film maker revealed that for big-brands, who directs the final film never matters as the total concept and storyboards are pre-locked by the ad-agency itself. So, any guy directing it would be following the story-board but no scope to induce their own creativity except some liberty in shot-selection, he says. But adding a big movie director will get publicity to the brand but nothing else, another ad-maker stressed.

Till date no big and successful campaigns like Hutch, Tide and Fevicol are directed by any movie directors and we have to see if any of our directors can achieve that feat. 

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