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Hero Siddharth's Tweet Troubles | Siddharth Controversial Tweets in FB and Twitter

Hero Siddharth's Tweet Troubles:

People who are trying to share something on their Facebook page are getting scared these days, as government is controlling internet like never before. With this, people are thinking about the possible celebs from Tollywood on whom government will throw an eye.

Hero Siddharth is one intelligent minded guy among the bunch of heroes we have. Rather uttering mindless philosophies and uploading senseless pics like other heroes, Siddharth generally talks about many issues on his twitter. From music to magic, politics to reality, social cause to freedom-fight, Sid is always first to put up a sensible tweet. Recently on our last Independence Day, he wrote that India hasn't grown much even after 65 years of freedom. So, if government wants to take a thump at all those who are expressing their views through internet, Sid will be first to go, feels Cine observers.  

Hope our intellectuals will raise their voice against curbing of freedom to speech in this democratic country. Because, arresting people and arresting their thoughts are two different things.

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